
Σάββατο 16 Μαρτίου 2013

Cannes and the magic of Marilyn Monroe

The Cannes film festival kicks off from 15th to 26th May 2013 and this shot of Marilyn Monroe had featured it last year on all its official posters. Does it matter that she never went?

This column will change your life: nature and nurture

'Even the tiniest kinds of engagement with nature deliver a psychological boost'
'German researchers reported that merely seeing a green rectangle for two seconds led to measurable improvements on creative tasks.

You'd be hard-pressed, these days, to find a psychologist who doesn't think we'd be better off if we spent more time in nature. The problem, for those of us who live in cities and work at desks, is the "time" part: there never seems to be any. 

Whenever I make it into the hills for a couple of days, I'm so rejuvenated I swear I'll start doing it fortnightly. Then I don't. "Climb the mountains and hear their good tidings… the winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy," wrote the naturalist John Muir, enticingly – but that's too rarely an option. 

What makes a great screenplay?

From Casablanca to The Killing – the elements of a great script are essentially the same.

10 of the best rural retreats in Spain

From mountain village B&Bs to renovated farms, yurts and even a rectory, Alastair Sawday chooses 10 hideaways in rural Spain to escape the crowds

Το κάπνισμα των… δύο φύλων

Μελέτη έδειξε ότι οι άνδρες καπνίζουν για να διασκεδάσουν και οι γυναίκες για να αποφορτιστούν από το στρες

Οι άνδρες καπνίζουν περισσότερο όταν είναι με φίλους, ενώ οι γυναίκες όταν είναι αγχωμένες δείχνουν στοιχεία βρετανικής δημοσκόπησης

Pet Shop Boys

Με νέο άλμπουμ και δισκογραφική επιστρέφουν οι Pet Shop Boys

Οι Android ταμπλέτες ξεπέρασαν το iPad

Τα tablet με Android ξεπέρασαν για πρώτη φορά το iPad σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της IDC.