
Τετάρτη 5 Ιουνίου 2013

In China, an Empire Built by Aping Apple

Lei Jun, the Steve Jobs-mimicking chief of Xiaomi, introduced a new smartphone last summer in Beijing.

Greek press freedom is on trial

An open letter to José Manuel Barroso: Greek press freedom is on trial

My retrial for publishing 'Lagarde list' of alleged Greek tax dodgers shows a corrupt regime trying to silence the press

Dear President Barroso,

I will be standing trial on 10 June because, as a journalist, I published the names of Greek bank account holders contained on the Lagarde list in my anti-corruption magazine, Hot Doc. I am being accused of violating privacy laws.

Smoothie ice lollies

These ice lollies are really healthy, with only a little bit of an optional chocolate coating. They won't make your kids go all mad and hyperactive, and they love them because they think they are naughty. 

If there is any leftover smoothie, just add a little more apple juice for a healthy drink.

How to destroy the future

From the Cuban missile crisis to a fossil fuels frenzy, the US is intent on winning the race to disaster

'What happened in the missile crisis in October 1962 has been prettified to make it look as if acts of courage and thoughtfulness abounded.

What is the future likely to bring? A reasonable stance might be to try to look at the human species from the outside.

Halo: Spartan Assault

Το Halo: Spartan Assault αποτελεί το νέο spin-off της δημοφιλούς σειράς FPS και έχει αναπτυχθεί από την 343 Industries σε συνεργασία με την Vanguard Games. 

Η 343 Industries ύστερα από την ιδιαίτερα πετυχημένη δουλειά της στο πρόσφατο Halo 4 αποφασίζει αυτή την φορά να εξερευνήσει νέα μονοπάτια, καθώς το καινούργιο project της κινείται στα top-down action shooter πρότυπα του Total Carnage της Midway.