
Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2013

Approaching A Tall Woman

Tall men are often envied and admired by other men who are not as vertically blessed.

Athletics probably came easier to them in their youth, and as they aged their height more than likely influenced their professional success to a certain degree.

Tallness in women, however, is an entirely different story. Instead of other women envying their height, tall women often struggle with feeling freakish and out of place, especially while growing up (no pun intended). While tall women might find their niche as professional athletes or supermodels, extreme height in women is often seen as bizarre and something to gawk at.

Regardless of what society says about how women should look, there are decided advantages to approaching a tall woman. Being with a tall woman says a lot about a man, especially if he happens to be shorter then her. Just about any guy, in describing the perfect woman, would describe one who is shorter as it makes him feel more masculine. If a man goes against this urge, then he is essentially declaring that he does not care about societal norms. This statement screams confidence and maturity, which will have quite a few people taking notice not only of your striking partner, but of you as well.

When approaching a tall woman, there are certain things you should keep in mind, and we've got them right here.

Don't dismiss her based on her height

Most men take it for granted that tall women are only interested in men who are taller than they are. This follows the stereotype that men must be taller than their partners in order to appear ordinary. Men often rationalize that tall women must already feel out of place and therefore wouldn't want to draw more attention to themselves by dating a shorter man. That philosophy makes approaching tall women a bit easier: since they are less likely to be hit on than other women, you have a better chance of being successful if you summon the courage to make your move.

Anticipate defensiveness

Tall women often build walls around themselves. Forged out of their general insecurity toward their appearance while growing up, tall women often adopt a philosophy that a good defense is a good offense. In other words, she will more than likely appear touchy and aggressive while also attempting to keep up the image that she does not care what others think of her. When approaching a tall woman, do not be frightened by this hard and intimidating outer shell; it’s all smoke and mirrors. If you appear confident and unfazed by the stares coming your way, she will become more at ease. As she becomes relaxed and secure around you, her softer side will more than likely emerge.

Don't talk about her size

It is good to remember that a tall woman has probably been tall for her age at all stages of her life. It was more than likely the topic of numerous conversations because it was the most obvious attribute about her. “Wow, is it difficult finding clothes?” “How tall is your boyfriend?” “Did you play basketball/volleyball?” Being taller than all the boys has probably made her feel un-feminine and self-conscious. Since her height is such an evident point, catch her off guard by not mentioning it when approaching a tall woman. By complimenting her on her intelligence or sense of humor, you will appear refreshing, unique and you'll be someone she will remember for all the right reasons.

Compliment her legs

Of course, there is one obvious amendment to the rule about not talking about her height: When approaching a tall woman, compliment her on one of her best physical attributes by declaring how sexy her legs are. Why are most models taller than average women? Because fashion designers and advertising experts alike know that tall women have limbs that go on forever, and that they look fantastic in (and out of) clothing. Those few extra inches only make her shapely legs that much more appealing. Go ahead and appreciate what she was blessed with, and make sure she knows just how much you admire them.

look up, way up

If you've ever glanced at a tabloid photo of some supermodel with her much-shorter boyfriend and wondered what that must be like, then remember to give the everyday tall woman a chance. She may not have the same smoking body or outrageous sex appeal as Gisele or Adriana, but what she lacks in that department she will more than make up for in personality and a healthy appetite.

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