
Παρασκευή 22 Μαρτίου 2013

The best fish baps with mushy peas & tartare sauce

Nutritional Information - Amount per serving:


For the baps
4 nice soft wholewheat baps
4 large (halved) or 8 small (roughly 480g in total) flat-fish fillets such as plaice, lemon sole, megrim or dab, skin off and pin-boned, from sustainable sources, ask your fishmonger
1 pinch cayenne pepper
½ a mug plain flour
olive oil
25 g Parmesan cheese
1 punnet cress
1 lemon
For the peas
1 medium potato
500 g frozen peas
½ a bunch fresh mint
For the sauce
6 cornichons
1 tablespoon capers
1 little gem lettuce
250 g fat-free natural yoghurt
¼ a bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 lemon


Ingredients out • Kettle boiled • Oven at 130°C/250°F/gas ½ • Small lidded pan, high heat • Large frying pan, high heat • Food processor (bowl blade)

Put the baps into the oven • Slice the potato 0.5cm thick, put it into the small pan, cover with boiling water and the lid and bring to the boil • On a sheet of greaseproof paper, season the fish with salt, pepper and the cayenne, then sprinkle over the flour to coat

Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the frying pan and add the fish • Cook until golden, finely grating the Parmesan over the top when you flip it over • Tip the frozen peas into the pan with the potato, then rip in the leafy top half of the mint and replace the lid

Put the cornichons, capers, lettuce and yoghurt into the processor • Tear in the top leafy half of the parsley, squeeze in the lemon juice, then whiz up, season to taste and pour into a bowl • Drain the peas and potatoes, purée in the processor and season to taste • When the fish is perfect, get the baps out of the oven and serve with the peas, tartare sauce, pinches of cress and lemon wedges

by Jamie Oliver

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