
Παρασκευή 17 Μαΐου 2013

Garbage alchemists transform junk into design gold

In austerity Greece, junk is being turned into new, beautiful but useful objects.

This is Scoopa, a project run by an architect, a craftsman, a shop manager and an artist. They call themselves garbage alchemists.

A beautiful sorrel risotto with crumbled goat's cheese

The sorrel is flash-cooked here, then stirred though right at the end of cooking. This gives the risotto a vibrant green colour and a really fresh taste. I think goat's cheese adds a beautiful creaminess, so I've roasted some here. Crumble it over the risotto when you serve it – it balances the flavours beautifully.

Windows Phone jumps to third place in smartphone market

Microsoft's mobile OS surpassed BlackBerry in smartphone shipments and market share during the first quarter of 2013, says IDC.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0: έρχεται στην ελληνική αγορά την Δευτέρα στα 499€